October 28 - November 1, 2013

Dear Parents,
             We have started multiplication!  Please help your child study their multiplication facts every evening.  A multiplication chart was sent home in their Pony Notebook!  Flash cards are a great tool.  We have found them at Target for $1.00!  Please also check out www.multiplication.com as a resource to help your child study their facts!

            Halloween is this week!  As a friendly reminder October 31, 2013 is a regular standardized dress day.  Please leave ALL Halloween candy, costumes, and scary stuff at home.

            The second six weeks Progress Reports will be sent home Monday, October 28, 2013.  Please sign it and return to school.  

It is time for fall conferences!  A note was sent home last week regarding fall conferences.  Your Confirmation Note was sent home last last which included your day and time to meet for fall conferences! 

            Reading for AR is very important.  Each student has an individualized reading range and personalized goal to achieve their points for AR.  Students should be reading every night at home and then take an AR quiz the following day at school.  AR is part of their homework.   Readers are leaders!!!  Reading is FUN!! 

Here is a link to the homework sheet for this week.


Thank you for your continued support!!!
Have a great week!