We hope everyone had a very happy holiday and a nice time during the break! J We are now in our 2nd week back to school in our new year and things are heating up in third grade! Some things to remember this week…

-      Please be helping your child with AR nightly. Most of AR is done in the home and we are counting on our students to be reading at least 20 – 30 minutes every night. This can be a great time to spend with family, siblings, or even right before bed to relax.

-      Next Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day so no school next Monday, January 19, 2015.

-      Please be sure your child has a coat/jacket to bring to school. It is very cold outside and we want them to be warmed up when they get here. J

Thursday, January 29th, 2015 we will be going on our Ice Skating field trip to remember the water cycle and properties of water in a fun way! Be sure to dress warmly, gloves, hats, scarves, and thick socks!

The City of Rowlett Parks and Recreations is getting ideas from students to help them recreate the park that used to be Kids Kingdom a few years ago. Please make sure if your child is interested in sharing their ideas they draw/describe them on the sheet of paper that was included in your child’s report card. Turn this page into your teacher by Friday, January 16th, 2015 to give to the Parks and Recreations representative that will be here.


We hope everyone has a fantastic week! Please let us know if there is anything you would like to see on our blog! J We would love input from our parents and students! Thank you!