WELCOME! Thank you for visiting our blog! We have a lot of things
going on this week! Here’s a rundown of the most IMPORTANT stuff!
-Make sure everything is turned in to your child’s teacher by
this WEDNESDAY! We lock grades this day!
SCHOOL T-SHIRT DAY! We celebrate our college day
once a month and now will be incorporating High School too! J
-Last day for
AR is WEDNESDAY! Please help your child read
at night this has been homework since DAY 1.
Please be on the LOOK OUT for
a notice to go home about scheduling a Fall conference with your child’s
teacher. This should be going home soon! J Please fill it out and
bring it back to your child’s teacher. Conferences are scheduled on a FIRST
COME FIRST SERVE Basis so sign up for several times that work with your
schedule. We can’t wait to meet with you! J
This week we will be taking
our WRITING test. This is over correct grammar and will be taken on Friday! We
are preparing for our Math unit test taken next week!
In curriculum news…
This week we will be studying…
Reviewing Place value, Comparing & ordering
numbers, and money in math!
Author’s purpose & Sequencing in reading!
How to write amazing beginnings in writing!
Measurement (length, weight/mass, volume &
capacity) in science!
The U.S. Constitution in Social Studies!
Long /e/ sound in words from our spelling list!
****Here is a link to the
Homework Packet
****Here is a link to the