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This is the 4th six weeks and it is almost time to be wrapping up their AR goals! Your child should be reading at least 20 minutes every night as a mandatory part of their homework! Please check your child’s AR progress by visiting this link.

User name is S and your child’s lunch number. Password is your child’s network ID. J It is also very easy to set up your email alerts for your child when you sign in through this site. J



There will be an informative meeting regarding the STAAR testing that your child will be taking this year for the very first time. This is crunch time. Your child’s teacher has worked all year to instill the skills and strategies into your child and the test will prove how well your child has grasped those skills. J No need to be nervous because we know everyone will try their best! J Please click the below link for more parent information about the meeting!



Things going on this week

Math fractional parts of wholes

Reading Summarizing & inferencing

Writing using details with the 5 senses

Science Earths natural resources & soil formation

Social Studies Ground Hogs Day


Homework packet

Next week…
We will be having a math test covering fractions, 2X1 digit multiplication, and tables.
We will also be having a science test going over the layers of the Earth, landforms, and soil formations.
-The Third Grade Team