of Operations Surgery 11/11/2014
During this activity we had “bodies” on the table and students had to complete three equations to save their person’s life.
A couple of things going on for this
upcoming week! This is our last week before we have an entire week off to
celebrate Thanksgiving! College day will be this Tuesday 11/18/2014 so be sure
to wear your favorite college t-shirt to school with normal dress code pants!
This Thursday is Chick Fil-A night at the Rowlett location so be sure to drive
by or eat in and let them know you’re there to support our school! Friday
we have the awesome magic show so remember to bring your $2.00! Half of that
money gets donated to our school! J REMEMBER NO SCHOOL 11/24 -11/28
Just a reminder! Please
have your child study their multiplication facts, spelling words, and be
reading for AR nightly! If your child is struggling with AR or you would just
like to ask them questions to help them become a better reader, please check
out the following PDF. This came from Pinterest but has come in handy so we
thank the creators of this page! Print it off and use it how you’d like! Enjoy! :)
Here’s this week’s homework packet!
Here’s this week’s newsletter!