Welcome back!

We are almost finished with our 4th six weeks! J It will be coming to a close next Friday, February 19th so I hope everyone is working towards meeting their AR goals! J


Please remember that it is part of your child’s DAILY homework to read for at least 20 minutes nightly. This builds vocabulary, comprehension, confidence, and in turn helps them build their reading skills!

Our SPRING CONFERENCE NIGHT will be Thursday, Feburary 18th. If your child’s teacher has sent home a reminder please sign up ASAP!


Our Valentine’s Day party will be for 20 minutes from 2:30 – 2:50 this Friday. Please send Valentines for the class. If anything else is needed a note will come home. J


VAL-O-GRAMS are due tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb. 9th! Please send those in ASAP they will not be taken after tomorrow! J


Homework packet

Val – O- Gram