Please remember to check out our third grade blog here via our QR code. Scan this with your smart phone and this will take you right to the blog! J
5th grading period has begun! Be sure your child is reading at least
20 minutes a day at home to build their AR averages and boost points too! J Please be reviewing your
multiplication facts too! Having these multiplication facts known will be a
huge tool that your child will use next year as a successful 4th
there was no school on Monday, March 3rd due to the weather, we have
postponed the talent show until further notice. Please be aware that if your
child is participating in the talent show you will be notified of the new
showing ASAP. J Thank you for your patience!
will begin spring break starting Monday, March 10th – March 14th.
We hope everyone will have a very restful, fun, and safe spring break this
year! J
As always parents we thank you for your support. Any further questions can be
directed to your child’s teacher.
This week we will be learning about:
- Math- We will be taking our math benchmark this week. This will be a review of what the students have learned this year in third grade so far.
- Reading- We will be taking our reading benchmark this week. This will be a review of what the students have learned this year in third grade so far.
- Spelling/LA/Writing- In writing we will be discussing showing feelings rather than telling. Spelling words we will discuss their meaning, and language we will be reviewing use of pronouns.
- Science- We will be taking our science benchmark this week. This will be a review of all things learned in science this year so far.
- Social Studies- We will be discussing the executive branch in our government!
Here is a link to our
spelling words for this week:)
The 3rd
Grade Team