Welcome to our blog! J We had a great time at the PTA Picnic (Monday night) If you have any pictures you’d like us to put up please email them to your child’s teacher!

Congratulations to the Parents who played in the Kickball game! We really enjoyed playing y’all! Thank you for coming out and we hope you enjoyed it as well. J


UPDATE FOR THIS WEEK! Progress reports will go home this Friday! Please make sure to sign the envelope and return it to your child’s teacher. J Remember, if your child is absent, they are in charge of the work they missed. We remind (a lot J) however, this is their responsibility. Please remind them to ask the teacher if they are missing an assignment! We appreciate your support and help with this! J


Here is this week’s Homework sheet!

Here is this week’s newsletter!

Upcoming NEXT week

We will be celebrating Drug Awareness Week October 26– 30th. Here is the schedule of that week…

        Monday – Sign a pledge to be Drug Free

        Tuesday – Wear your favorite hat!

        Wednesday – Wear RED!

        Thursday – Crazy hair day!

        Friday – Wear your favorite team shirt!

Thank you so much for visiting! J If you have any suggestions of things you would like to see or have us add on the blog please email Ms. Lane @ mnlane@garlandisd.net! Thank you!